SXSW 2020

Mixing Data Sciences and Ethnography: A Handbook


Mixing data sciences and ethnography has helped companies tackle their biggest business problems, leading more of them to attempt to grasp the best of both fields. Combining and implementing the two methods is a challenge in itself: it requires people from very different backgrounds – engineers and designers, statisticians and ethnographers – to work together. In fact, the matter is more practical than theoretical. How can we combine data sciences and ethnography? Is there a secret recipe to fill in the apparent gaps between the two methods and cultures? Here’s a hint: there is.
Through case studies and success stories, we will share methods, tools and tricks to successfully integrate data sciences and ethnography into projects in order to drive better business decisions.

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  1. Why does successful innovation, problem solving and design require a combination of both ethnographic and data science methods?
  2. How are these two research traditions complimentary and how their combination could deliver more value?
  3. How to concretely combine them successfully?



Guillaume Montagu, Anthropology & Strategy consultant, N/A

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Design
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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