SXSW 2020

How Online Spaces Have Changed The Way We Eat


We've all seen it happen - you sit down for a meal with friends, the food is served, and then everyone stops to take a photo for social media. There's no denying the power of sharing the experience of food and making it a social experience. How have online spaces - food finding and delivery apps, food blogs and Instagram accounts, etc. - changed the way we eat for better or worse? Are restaurants who are ignoring this trend preserving their dignity or destined to become dinosaurs? How is this trend affecting the divide between the food haves and have-nots, or the hungry and the stuffed? We will be having a spirited discussion with experts in the food space who have reached millions through their apps, social media accounts, and television to see what's in store for our culinary future.

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  1. How are restaurants changing their menus and dishes to respond to how food in online spaces is talked about and shared?
  2. Has the Instagramming of food elevated the art as a whole, or cheapened it in the pursuit of form over function?
  3. How have online spaces made it easier (or harder) for niche cuisine types & categories to succeed & thrive?



Shahed Amanullah, Founder, Zabihah

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Experiential Storytelling
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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