SXSW 2020

Could You Be The 2nd Fortune 500 Black Woman CEO?


Did you know there has only been one Black Woman CEO of a Fortune 500 company?
"Despite facing more pitfalls to advancement, women of color have higher ambitions to be a top executive than white women."- Women In The Workplace 2017.
Through interviewing the only Black Woman who has done it, the Trill MBA Show takes a brutally honest deep dive into what it takes for Black Women to earn the Fortune 500 CEO spot. Giving practical steps and takeaways that will enlighten and inspire bold, courageous and ambitious Black Women to continue climbing the corporate ladder and to bring more women of color with them to the top. Host, Felicia Enuha, infuses her uniquely frank, honest humor and interview style with actionable information to help every corporate warrior survive and thrive at work.

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Other Resources / Information


  1. Your work will not speak for you. You have to speak for yourself.
  2. You must be vulnerable and you must attend the work happy hour. Contrived vulnerability will help you start to build key strategic relationships.
  3. Sponsors are not Advocates are not Mentors. Learn the difference. Get intentional about building your career board of directors, which include each.


  • Felicia Enuha, Creator, Executive Producer, Host of Trill MBA Show podcast, FARE World Corp, LLC
  • Ursula Burns, Executive Chairman and CEO, Veon


Felicia Enuha, Creator, Executive Producer, Host Of Trill Mba Show Podcast, FARE World Corp, LLC

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Podcast
  • Track: Workplace
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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