SXSW 2020

Design challenges for VR practitioners


Two days before I started a Doctor of Creative Industries (to investigate the role of the author in designing for VR)
I was hit in the head. My practice took on a physical but dizzy form.

My practice is my reality. But with a concussion, my practice spiralled, twisted, it hurt, and was eventually reborn. When I began designing in VR, I realised the ephemeral experience, the output of my practice, was not the art. The VR experience enabled me to let users into my practice; the art was no longer a representation but a simulation of a recursive, regenerative, emergent process that even I couldn't predict. It undermined the prioritisation given to the physical in the construction of reality. it gave me a new objective: to challenge systems and to build complex narrative systems in VR.

Additional Supporting Materials


  1. An understanding of the affordances of designing in Virtual Reality technologies from the artist's perspective
  2. An understanding of systems and virtual reality as a simulation technology
  3. An understanding of how VR creates new opportunities for artists' to explore their practice and new experiences for audiences



Moya Baldry, Creative Director, Emersive Realities

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Design
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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