SXSW 2020

The US/Mexico Border and the Food System


How do the topics of immigration and food intersect? In the U.S., nearly every piece of food is touched by an immigrant at some point in the production process. The food and agricultural system of this country is fundamentally dependent on the workers who grow, harvest, and process food consumed daily. This has important ramifications for labor rights, food safety, health equity, and sustainability. This panel features a group of speakers who are working tirelessly to lead and build committees, alliances, and unions advocating for immigrant and workers’ rights. Join Teresa Romero (United Farm Workers), Baldemar Velasquez (FLOC), Joann Lo (Food Chain Workers Alliance), and Gustavo Arellano (writer) as they discuss their efforts to create a fair, transparent, and humane food system.

Related Media


  1. Who produces the vast majority of food in the U.S., and what does a transparent food chain look like?
  2. What are the challenges facing migrant farmworkers?
  3. What are the ways throughout history that workers have fought for fair labor practices, and how can we best tackle current and future issues?



Bernard Pollack, Board Chairman, Food Tank: The Think Tank for Food

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Climate & Social Action
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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