SXSW 2020

Empowering Change: Connecting the Head to the Heart


Innovation & transformation requires change. Transformative change requires a focus on the whole. Mental and emotional aspects must be engaged before people are willing to make physical moves. This panel consists of seasoned innovation leaders, product developers, technologists, and change agents who all agree that human matters are the most important factors when it comes to transformative change and true innovation. They will explore organization design and the role of diversity, structure, behavioral economics, incentives, and physiological safety. In this ever-evolving age of increased complexity, continuous transformation will become a way of life. Come learn and explore with us as we discuss the characteristics and approaches that will define the workplace cultures of the future.

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  1. While strategy and vision are a critical starting point, everyone impacting and impacted must be engaged throughout for sustainable innovation.
  2. Connect the head and the heart. Attract the motivated and empower them to spread the vision and provide a safe environment for ideas to flow freely.
  3. Organization Design and the role of structure in transformation. Move past siloed departmental mindsets. Disrupt thinking and encourage diversity.



Kellee Franklin, Founder & Chief Innovation Officer, Mindful Innovation Labs

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Connection & Culture
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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