SXSW 2020

AI, IoT, ML, Blockchain, for Purpose & Profit


Doing good business is good business. Now, intelligent technologies can help companies do both faster, more effectively, and more efficiently, no matter the industry. Join us to discuss how technologists, visionaries, businesses, and brands are leveraging AI, IoT, ML, blockchain, analytics to reduce and manage waste including carbon and plastics, to provide renewable energy while protecting investors, to increase crop production and reduce food waste, to protect food supply and therefore consumers, to ensure healthy lives and improve well-being for all, at all ages, and to build safe and smart cities and economies, end to end, all across this big blue marble that we all share, that is our shared responsibility.

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  1. How we can use technology to improve lives, the environment, and business
  2. What it increasingly means to be connected, from the individual to the enterprise, and what we can do with that power
  3. How technology enables us to build new business models without boundaries or borders for a secure global economy


  • Padmini Ranganathan, Global Vice President, Risk and Sustainability Solutions, SAP
  • James Sullivan, Head, Global Sustainability Innovation Accelerator, SAP
  • Stephen Jamieson, Head of Sustainable Business Innovation, EMEA N, SAP


Michelle Hickey, Sr. Director, Sap Leonardo Product Marketing, SAP

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Tech Industry & Enterprise
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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