SXSW 2020

The Case for the Cont. Convergence of AR & Media


Immersive technology is empowering publishers to connect with new audiences in new ways, with every year bringing new best practices to drive engagement and value for readers. More media companies are releasing interactive projects, experimenting with new technologies and formats to attract audiences they previously may have not. This session will explore specifically the traction augmented reality has gained over the past year for publishers, and why it’s working as a new tool for journalism. Featuring industry leaders from some of the country’s most iconic news publishers, the panel will explore what’s driving resonance with audiences (and what is not), and how the advertising community, the lifeblood of media, is responding to consumer adoption.

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  1. Understanding key user/publisher dynamics enabling successful AR storytelling—and the factors preventing it from connecting with audiences
  2. Demonstrating how media companies can collaborate with internal, and external, resources to deploy immersive technology in a smart and sustainable way
  3. Educating the industry, and advertisers, on how AR can grow user engagement, and the value of integrating emerging technologies into the newsroom


  • Ray Soto, Director, Emerging Technology, USA TODAY NETWORK
  • Mia Tramz, Editorial Director of Enterprise and Immersive Experiences, TIME


Stephanie Tackach, Director, Corporate Communications & PR, Gannett | USA TODAY NETWORK

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Experiential Storytelling
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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