Lady Creatives in Business: Break Victim Mentality


Victim mentality: the idea that we aren’t responsible for our actions and circumstances. It’s true - we’re put in situations that we can’t always control. But is there nothing we can do? As lady creatives, go-getters in the business, we face a lot of opposition in our work and careers. We’re subject to sudden changes and have to deal. But we’re not powerless. We have the abilities, skills, and drive to put ourselves where we want to be. How do we overcome this? By escaping that mentality.

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  1. Empowerment from taking responsibility and accepting the course and flow of business.
  2. Factor in what you can control and make changes there instead of focusing on what you can’t - doing this will strengthen you and your capabilities.
  3. Start with you and where you can improve from the situation - be true to who you are and what you want your brand to be.



Jewels Clark, CEO, How to be Social

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