How Can K-12 Companies Deliver on SEL Needs?


School districts around the country have embraced the concept of social-emotional learning as a way to nurture students' skills in areas like communication, collaboration, and self-management. K-12 companies are scrambling to keep up, but are their products really meeting schools' needs? In this discussion, we explore the results of nationwide surveys of district leaders on their SEL priorities, and get both district and vendor perspectives on where the market is delivering or falling short.

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  1. K-12 companies will better understand district SEL needs and priorities.
  2. District leaders will understand the challenges vendors face in developing products that have an impact on SEL.
  3. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of district SEL needs from the unveiling of nationwide survey results from EdWeek Market Brief.



Sean Cavanagh, Managing Editor, EdWeek Market Brief

Meta Information:

  • Tags: mental health
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: K-12 Education
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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