SXSW 2024

How AI Can Solve the Biggest Challenges Facing Humanity


The world faces immense social, economic, environmental and humanitarian challenges today. How can AI help solve the biggest problems facing humanity, from curing diseases to fighting climate change?

Take a rare look ‘behind the curtain’ of AI: dispel common myths and misconceptions; look ‘under the hood’ of the breakthroughs turning possibilities into attainable realities impacting billions of people; learn about the steps needed to deliver this safely; and glimpse into some of the possible futures that AI is opening up to us.

Related Media

Other Resources / Information

Demis on The Ezra Klein Show podcast:
Demis on The Verge’s Decoder podcast:
Demis at London Tech Week:
Demis at a Stanford HAI seminar:
Demis on Lex Fridman podcast:


  1. An understanding of what an advanced AI model is: its potential and limitations, what we all must do to make sure it’s built and used safely.
  2. Real-world examples of how AI is used today and how this will build to solving some of the world’s most critical and complex problems.
  3. A sneak-peek into what an A(G)I-future might look like, featuring some of the most advanced capabilities in existence today



Leila Hajaj, Executive Communications & Speakerships Senior Manager, Google DeepMind

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Fireside Chat
  • Track: Artificial Intelligence
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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