SXSW 2025

Rethinking Downtowns in the Era of Remote Work


As a result of the pandemic, many cities now lack the downtown economic activity that was once driven by office workers. Remote and hybrid work has weakened the commercial real estate market and eroded the tax base in many cities. Some have urged a return to in-person work as a way to restore our cities, but it is time to accept that we are not going back to 2019. The good news is that the vibrancy of downtowns is built on more than just office workers on their lunch breaks. Cities are resilient and adaptable, and can chart new paths forward based on facts, data, and evidence.

Related Media

Other Resources / Information


  1. How we can re-energize America’s downtowns while emphasizing equity
  2. The best ways to make up lost revenue and address housing shortages
  3. The services people need as we reimagine downtowns, including arts, transportation, and public safety



Daniel Fowler, Director, Media Relations, Urban Institute

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Government & Civic Engagement
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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