SXSW 2022

The Changing Face of Beauty Branding


After 500 days of staring at ourselves on Zoom calls, beauty has turned from superficial to utterly emotional. Whomever you are and whatever you stand for, beauty is an extension of your personal brand. As the pandemic continues, consumers are looking for something different.
Beauty is evolving. Inclusivity is imperative to maintaining market positioning, and brands have become far wiser, accepting that they can no longer rely on supermodels with unattainable features as spokespeople. Beauty influencers are starting to represent the general population and infusing wellness into the conversation. And this isn’t a fringe movement. This transformation is fused into the foundation of the beauty industry and driven by the idea that humanity, empathy and inclusivity are table stakes to success.

Related Media


  1. How beauty is evolving to be a more inclusive industry and why brands should select spokespeople that reflect a diverse consumer base
  2. How to navigate beauty branding after a seismic shift from beauty as a confidence builder to a form of self-care and extension of your personal brand
  3. How to infuse purpose, wellness, empathy & humanity into beauty branding for the greater good; not just because it is good for business



Rachel Heringer, Director, Marketing,

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Advertising & Brand Experience
  • Track 2 Health & MedTech
  • Level: Intermediate

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