Workforce Counselors Guiding Pathways for Seniors


Ever struggled with supporting high school students with "best-bet" college and career next steps? Most of future job growth will be in middle skill occupations, yet students and parents are largely unaware of jobs and the education to get them. Texas Workforce Commission is piloting an initiative that places Workforce Counselors at schools to provide direct guidance to students in demand jobs and related training. Commitments to be celebrated at Texas Career Technical Education signing day.

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  1. How workforce counselors guide and connect students to apprenticeships, two year colleges and employers with in-demand industries.
  2. How counselors connect student interest, educational paths, industry recognized credentials and certificates and ultimately employment.
  3. Why Texas Career Technical Education (CTE) Signing Day galvanizes student connections to job placement or training opportunities.



Jeanette Dela Cruz, Chief Of Staff To Julian Alvarez, Labor Commissioner, Texas Workforce Commission - State Agency

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