SXSW 2020

History Helps Hack the Migration Crisis


Europe has the key to the migration crisis - Europe of 100 years ago. One third of European migrants to the US returned with savings and new ideas to transform the Continent, three became the Prime Ministers of Norway, Finland and Latvia. Many Central American migrants come to earn, save and return, but fall into the money trap. Believing they couldn’t earn a living back home, they instead bring their family to the US. Imagine a movement that helps intending return Central American migrants explore innovative business ideas to take back home. Return migrants would test their ideas, learn the skills to succeed, and budget and save to return. This would increase the number of successful return migrants, while creating jobs back home. The movement would also create a mutual support network.

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  1. Helping Central American migrants return home on their own terms is good for the United States, home countries and most importantly for migrants.
  2. Return migrant entrepreneurs can increase the probability of success through learning and earning while in the United States.
  3. A network of return entrepreneurs in the Northern Triangle of Central America can be a socially stabilizing force.



Richard Boly, Principal, Beaurichly

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Climate & Social Action
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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