SXSW 2019
Blueprint: Redesigning Connected Spaces for Health
We spend 93% of our time indoors moving from room to room. As our homes become connected, we are changing the way we use our spaces. Our bathrooms are health clinics. Our living rooms are gyms. Our office is our kitchen table. As health becomes a priority for an aging and urbanizing population, we need to encourage healthier activities and healthy behaviors. Behaviors are much easier to change when the environments are conducive to positive choices. 5G proliferation promises an explosion in IoT products for the office, hotel, and home. It also offers a chance to reimagine the way we design and utilize our spaces for empathetic living. The rooms we need for the 21st century are ones that are designed to optimize the health and overall well-being of their occupants.
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Other Resources / Information
- Because of IoT, we have a unique opportunity to reimagine the way we use rooms.
- Changing behavior is notoriously difficult. We need to change environments to lead to better health and healthy activity.
- Our spaces are used for many purposes (kitchens are offices) and need to be designed for such adaptability and optimized for health and wellbeing.
- Mili Tharakan, Chief Innovation Officer, TILT, a Welspun company
- Steve Downs, Chief Technology and Strategy Officer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Nan Zhao, Research Scientist, MIT Media Lab
Mili Tharakan, Chief Innovation Officer, TILT, a Welspun company
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