Youth Led Design of Education & Workforce Solutions


Panel will discuss the solutions that were designed by youth (16-24) for youth that were implemented in 2024. Thess solutions include a physical space that allows youth to create a sense of belonging, explore post-secondary education, learn about careers from employers and receive the basic needs support that the ecosystem provides. Employers, educators, Community based organizations come to youth rather than the youth having to search this information out. Panelist will include 2 youth who have used the services, a service provider and the implementer of the solution

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  1. Youth must lead the design of solutions that are intended to support them. Equity solutions to meet youth needs must always have youth voice
  2. Solutions that make a huge impact can be developed quickly and inexpensively if community partners, employers work together
  3. Youth want to actively participate in meaningful careers they just don't know where to start and need to have their basic needs addressed



Heidi Johnson, Senior Vice President & Chief of Staff, ECMC Group

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