SXSW 2025
Doctors by Nature: How Animals Heal Themselves
Drawing from the latest field data, including his own work studying monarch butterflies, Jaap de Roode's DOCTORS BY NATURE is an immensely entertaining poplar science book about the ways animals treat infections, alleviate diseases, and take care of their offspring. By taking a look at fascinating animal behavior around the globe, the book's ultimate goal is to show that humans can benefit from studying the healing practices of the animals they share the world with.
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- It can make us better pet owners: when dogs eat grass, they may be trying to tell us that something is wrong and that they are seeking medical care.
- Animal healthcare has unexpected side effects: scientists are studying catnip because it is helping them develop more effective mosquito repellents!
- It makes our world a better place: monitoring the diets of domesticated animals has been shown to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Jaap de Roode, Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Biology, Emory University
Matt Taylor, Senior Publicist, Sciences, Princeton University Press
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