Media Arts Can Transform Education


Exhibit how media arts integration supports more effective, interdisciplinary, research-based approaches to learning, as well as systemic educational advances to become more student-centered and directed, engaging, flexible and equitable.
Examples: 1 Student-led social media campaign for health, well-being and media literacy; 2 Math-intensive 3D architectural redesign of local communities using principles of sustainability; 3 Social studies augmented reality game about their neighborhood’s history and resources-Interactive; 4 - 3D animated models of scientific concepts - e.g. cell division

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  1. Understanding of media arts as an integrative educational subject with diverse, powerful and accessible tools for enhancing all learning and creating
  2. Specific examples of lessons and projects that can be easily implemented and adapted to the variety of topics, courses, grade levels and circumstances
  3. Understanding of how media arts functions as a multimodal, interconnective, adaptable hub that supports pedagogic and systemic educational advances



Dain Olsen, President & CEO, National Association for Media Arts Education

Meta Information:

  • Tags: learning science, STEM & STEAM
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Solo
  • Track: Future of Tech
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Deep Understanding

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