Space Suits in Progress: Sewable Electronics
Did you know space suits combine sewing with advanced technology? These amazing suits use sewable electronics, merging textile design, engineering, and coding. For us here on earth, sewable electronics can transform textiles into wearable art with flexible conductive materials and interactivity. You will create your own e-Textile using felt, conductive thread, a battery, and LEDs. With Microsoft’s MakeCode, you can add interactivity using a prototyping board with sensors. Plus, get lesson plans and classroom resources to bring these activities to your classroom, inspiring future creators!
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Other Resources / Information
- Create an e-Textile with conductive materials and experience the creative design process, including troubleshooting and re-design.
- Experience Physical Computing with a sewable electronic prototyping board. Write code that will respond to various inputs, including sensors.
- Get lesson and implementation ideas for your classroom that you can use right away.
- Barbara Liedahl, Education Consultant, BJLFELTCLAYMAKER LLC
Barbara Liedahl, Media Arts Instructional Specialist, BJLFELTCLAYMAKER LLC
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