Building a Sustainable Pipeline to Educators


The teacher shortage in Alabama cannot be solved with quick fixes. A unique collaboration between Teach For America-Alabama and Breakthrough Birmingham is catching the attention of local school districts and policymakers. This fellowship piloted the programming for 2 teachers in 2021 and has since grown to 14 and is on track to create a sustained pipeline of 15 new teachers per year - including a 14% higher retention rate. We will share the wins, learnings, and opportunities to grow a coalition of organizations and school districts focused on educator recruitment, training, and retention.

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  1. The fellowship was created and sustained by a coalition of organizations and school districts that were driven to recruit more local educators.
  2. The fellowship is an example of how local organizations can respond to the needs of teachers in partnership with school districts.
  3. The fellowship is continuing to grow with other partners to harness the unique value add that each each entity brings.



Bryan Billy, Executive Director, Teach For America - Alabama

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