SXSW 2024

DataWagashi: Feeling Climate Data via New Design Medium


Inspired by Wagashi, the traditional Japanese confection art regarded as a microcosm of time, space and nature, DataWagashi is a new medium aiming to make climate data tangible, accessible and fun by blending taste, smell, touch, texture, and physical interaction into the vocabulary of data communication. We will deep dive into DataWagashi sets that spotlight data-driven climate issues from glacier changes to carbon footprint and more, dissect our algorithmic design process, and share our insights on harnessing new data perception to bring complex data to life, touching senses and emotions.

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  1. Climate issues can benefit from confections as an alternative yet familiar medium to attract new interest and inspirations from the wider audience.
  2. The synthesis of food attributes and data offers vivid perception that deepens the communication of insights and messages.
  3. How to digitally unite data points and sweet recipes to creatively represent environmental narratives through a multisensory experience.



Tiange Wang, Software Designer, IDEO

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Climate Change
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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