SXSW 2024

Decoding Elixir: Your Future Might Depend on This Language


As our work, commerce, and infrastructure increasingly migrate from tangible reality to cyberspace, we need scalable, reliable, versatile software to accommodate demand. Enter Elixir, the programming language that's expanding web development capabilities. Lauded by organizations from Pinterest to Discord, Elixir has a unique combination of attributes. This talk will demystify the Elixir programming language, explain benefits with verbiage everyone can understand, and illuminate why it's an optimal choice for businesses to adopt in our increasingly digital reality.

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  1. Gain a clear understanding of Elixir's features like immutability, concurrency, and distribution, and why it's ideal for the evolving web landscape.
  2. Hear about innovations in the Elixir community and case studies from companies who’ve adopted the language in their tech stack.
  3. Envision Elixir's role in shaping the future of the digital world, pushing boundaries, and enabling new possibilities.



Yair Flicker, CEO, SmartLogic

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Tech Industry
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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