ALL IN: Activating Human Potential via Multiple Literacies


In the age of information, the types of literacies needed to participate in society have increased dramatically. These literacies include civic, digital, financial, health, information, and oral literacy, among others, all of which correlate to strong foundational literacy skills. But more than half (54%) of adults in the United States struggle with foundational literacy skills. Join leaders from ALL IN to learn about their innovative, collaborative, community-centered approach to moving the needle on multiple literacies in the U.S., and how you can be a part of the solution!

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  1. Contextualize America's adult literacy problem, including the costs that low literacy imposes on society.
  2. Learn more about the links between foundational literacy, and income growth, better healthcare access, and improved talent pipelines.
  3. Identify how employers, companies, organizations, and individuals can engage with ALL IN to boost adult literacy nationwide.



Sarah Cacicio, Director, Adult Literacy And Learning Impact Network, Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy

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