AI in Education: Ethics, Regulations, & Multiple Futures


This session probes AI's future in education, examining potential ethical and regulatory scenarios and their implications for AI’s integration in education. We underscore the need for educators to join a nationwide discourse akin to a 'Manhattan Project,' proactively engaging with administrators, technology leaders, politicians, and others. The emphasis is on preparing for a transformative, unpredictable future that will require resilience, an ethical mindset, and flexibility as AI transforms learning.

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  1. Understand different potential regulatory and ethical scenarios and how they will shape AI's integration into educational settings.
  2. Understand the need to proactively engage with leaders in education, technology, and politics to shape AI's transformative role in education.
  3. Gain strategies to anticipate the diverse futures AI development may offer, emphasizing resilience, ethics, and adaptability.



Emory Craig, CEO, Digital Bodies

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