SXSW 2024

AI Avatars: Bridging Realities through Generative AI


Dive into a future where generative AI and XR create AI avatars that revolutionize our lives, reshaping relationships, personal space, and notions of privacy. These avatars will blend seamlessly into our realities, offering limitless potential while posing complex ethical questions. We'll investigate concerns about personal authenticity, data misuse, artistic creation, and the balance between innovation and regulation. Join us in navigating these challenges, envisioning a future where strikingly human-like AI avatars enrich our lives while respecting our individual and shared humanity.

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  1. The convergence of AI and XR will lead to AI avatars that blend seamlessly into our realities, transforming personal and professional relationships.
  2. AI avatars will enhance personal development and new options for artistic creation while raising complex questions about identity and authenticity.
  3. AI avatars will require a balance between regulations and innovation to enrich our lives while respecting our individual and shared humanity.



Emory Craig, CEO, Digital Bodies

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Artificial Intelligence
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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