SXSW 2024

Nonprofit & For-profit Models to Accelerate Impact Founders


Hear about two innovative models supporting innovation for social change. The panel will cover how foundations and for-profit entities can partner to accelerate innovation for good. Speakers include:
Aaron Walker, General Partner of the Ruthless for Good Fund, a for-profit fund backing BIPOC founders for good
Sergio Marrero, Managing Director of Blue Ridge Labs, an incubator and accelerator of the Robin Hood Foundation supporting innovations tackling poverty and
Jaime-Jin Lewis, Founder of Wiggle Room, building a platform increasing access to child care

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  1. Innovative models for how foundations and charities are supporting for-profit entrepreneurship
  2. How nonprofit entities can back venture capital funds as limited partners and early investors in venture
  3. Example of how foundations and charities can support impact innovation and capture returns to fund innovation into the future



Sergio Marrero, Managing Director, Robin Hood Foundation

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Startups
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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