Reimagining Educational Innovation in Research & Design


The widening divisions within America’s socioeconomic landscape have created new urgency for education service organizations to reimagine program design and product management that advance equity in educational outcomes and for youth development personnel. In this panel discussion, researchers, designers, and product managers from City Year will discuss their journey of leveraging community-based action research to create educational innovations that are responsive to the dynamic needs of students and communities while being within the capacity and means of practitioners.

Other Resources / Information


  1. An introduction to possible mechanisms for elevating youth voice into program design and product management through community-based action research.
  2. Opportunities and challenges of centering the community in the research and development across internal and external stakeholder groups.
  3. Mixed-methods approaches that organizations can start to create and monitor the health of educational innovations that are scalable and sustainable.


  • Tiger Rahman, Sr. Director, Community Based Action Research, City Year
  • Pat Geronimo, Director, User Experience, City Year


Tiger Rahman, Sr. Director, Community Based Action Research, City Year

Meta Information:

  • Tags: funding, student voice
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Equity & Justice
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Field Experience

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