SXSW 2024

Empowering Underserved Communities with Electrified Mobility


This session explores how electrification creates sustainable mobility solutions which in turn unlocks economic opportunities, enhances access to nature and promotes environmental stewardship. It will delve into Michigan's innovative approach to electrifying historically underserved or rural locations. Leveraging Michigan's mobility industry expertise, the session will showcase tangible strategies, partnerships and technologies that any state in the U.S. can use to empower communities, drive electrification, and foster a more inclusive and sustainable mobility environment.

Other Resources / Information


  1. Why the economic and sustainability benefits of electrification in rural and underserved communities outweigh the investment cost of electrification
  2. How to establish strategic partnerships with organizations and local government bodies to jumpstart electrification in rural and underserved areas
  3. Best practices for deploying and maintaining first-time electrification initiatives and technologies in rural and underserved areas



Chloe Huard, Associate Vice President, Finn Partners

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Transportation
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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