Liberal Arts: The Not So Liberal or Artsy Change We Need


At The University of Texas at Austin, we have a saying: What starts here changes the world. The question is, how can we change the world if we don't know what the world entails? Through my session, I want to include a professional to discuss the numerous benefits of a liberal arts education and how it can allow for a better understanding of global perspectives, and how that can aid in creating a better educational and professional environment. Furthermore, I want to share my experience, as a member of a minority community, understanding the value of a global perspective.

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  1. How including elements of a liberal arts education can encourage understanding of a global perspective.
  2. Why this is important in all fields (including STEM!) and how it can create a more equitable workplace and lead to creativity.
  3. How to implement this in universities.


  • Ishika Bhatia, Briefer, FO&L


Ishika Bhatia, Briefer, FO&L

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