Making Quality EdTech at Scale


Edtech creators strive to create positive change for students, but the impact on student outcomes can vary, especially as new tools attempt to scale. Schools and districts may also be hesitant to dedicate funding to new innovations, even when these products have shown evidence of improving outcomes in other districts. So how do programs garner stakeholder buy-in and scale up while maintaining quality products? Join experts from outcomes-based contracting, tech investment, and teacher leadership as they discuss ways to create quality, scalable edtech that improves outcomes for kids.

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  1. Understand what keeps well-intentioned programs and companies from creating quality, scalable edtech that improves outcomes for kids.
  2. Learn how schools and districts can use data, evidence-based results, and outcomes-based contracting to make high-quality edtech investments.
  3. Identify concrete steps edtech creators can use to create scalable impact while demonstrating that their products make the most of investments.



Sam Eastes, Program Associate, The Learning Agency

Meta Information:

  • Tags: edtech, funding
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Startups & Investment
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Field Experience

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