Rebirth of the Essay Post ChatGPT


On the heels of ChatGPT being unleashed on the world, an essayist in The Atlantic claimed that the college essay was dead. It has been a year now. Is the essay really dead or have we moved on? Meet four educators who say that not only is the college essay NOT dead, it thrives. There are new ways to teach writing, these teachers say, and we’ve wanted to do it this way for years.

Other Resources / Information


  1. Discuss the assumptions that caused panic among educators when ChatGPT was made widely available.
  2. Delve into the capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT and other generative AI, while exploring how educators are using it in their classrooms.
  3. Envision broad changes in education and incremental changes in pedagogy for 23/24 school year and speculate what might exist in five years.



Jennifer Harrison, Ceo, Pando Public Relations

Meta Information:

  • Tags: teachers, artificial intelligence
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Teaching & Learning
  • Session Focus Area Higher Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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