Universal Design 3.0 for Accessibility, Inclusion AND Equity


Accessibility, inclusion, & equity are interconnected elements to ensure that every learner is able to achieve their full potential. The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Guidelines, first published by CAST in 2008, have been used by educators & instructional designers to create curricula, tools, & learning spaces that are accessible & inclusive. CAST is in the final stages of updating the UDL Guidelines through an equity lens to better address barriers due to bias & recognize identity as part of variability. Join us to learn about potential updates, share insights, & offer your feedback.

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  1. Gain insights into the progress and process for updating the UDL Guidelines 3.0 through an equity lens.
  2. Engage in conversation, share your unique perspective, and learn from the experiences of others in applying an equity lens to Universal Design.
  3. Connect with a network of colleagues who are committed to leveraging UDL to design inclusive and equitable learning tools and spaces.


  • Nicole Tucker-Smith, CEO, Lessoncast
  • Jenna Gravel, Senior Research Scientist, CAST


Jenna Gravel, Senior Research Scientist, CAST

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