Beyond the Censor's Gavel: Anatomy of New Censorship


This session will explore the far-reaching consequences of restricting access to books, censoring ideas, and limiting intellectual freedom. Our expert panel of educators, authors, librarians, and advocates will examine real-world examples and case studies to shed light on the negative impacts of book bans. The panel will dissect the clash between politicians touting the science of reading and their extremist war on libraries. We will delve into the complexities of censorship, including its impact on students' intellectual development and independent thinking skills.

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  1. Consequences of restricted access: Understand the effects of book bans on intellectual freedom, creativity, and students' educational development.
  2. Unveiling censorship complexities: Explore the multifaceted nature of censorship and its impact on independent thinking and diverse perspectives.
  3. Advocacy for intellectual freedom: Gain insights into strategies to counter book bans and foster a culture of open dialogue and independent thinking.



Michael Collopy, Digital Communications Manager, Campaign for Our Shared Future

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