Generative AI & Human Creativity: A New Mindset


Imagine a world where Generative AI, like ChatGPT and Google Bard, seamlessly blends into education, reshaping learning and creativity. A world where the 10-year-olds of tomorrow co-create knowledge and culture with AI, where traditional media evolves into an AI-fostered landscape of imagination. Join us as we explore this uncharted territory of the ‘new childhood’—a fusion of human curiosity and AI’s transformative potential. We invite you to a spirited, evidence-based dialogue about this profound shift and the future of generative schooling.

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  1. Generative AI's impact on education & creativity - benefits and challenges in AI-driven learning experiences.
  2. Envision a future of childhood - children's curiosity-driven interaction with AI partners for co-creation.
  3. Navigate opportunities & challenges - AI's integration in education, ethics, & implications for a positive future.



Popi Paraschaki, Pr & Communication Director, Digital Giraffes OÜ

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