Reading Between the Lines: The Case for Adult Education


The evidence is undeniable: Increasing adult literacy would help break cycles of intergenerational poverty, boost our GDP, and improve individual and community wellbeing. Yet more than 40 million Americans — nearly one in five adults — read below the equivalent of a third-grade level. And only a small portion of these adults have access to adult education programs. This is a pervasive, complex problem but it is solvable. Learn about federal and philanthropic initiatives — from open innovation to collective impact — that are expanding access to vital education and training opportunities.

Other Resources / Information


  1. Better understand the social, health, and economic impacts of increasing adult literacy — and how addressing this challenge benefits us all.
  2. Learn more about recent initiatives that have taken innovative approaches to expanding access to adult education.
  3. Discover new ways for educators, employers, and funders to build on these successes and help expand access for all adult learners.



Janna Gilbert, President, Luminary Labs

Meta Information:

  • Tags: career, diversity & inclusion
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Work Reimagined
  • Session Focus Area Continuing Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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