Collaborating with Educators to Change the World


All over the world, educators and educational organizations are coming together to reimagine the purpose and possibilities of school. How can you join the movement and what might be the impact on you, your students, your colleagues, and your community? This panel will spark your thinking with current approaches to student learning that are positively disrupting the educational system, building student agency and optimism, and reconnecting teachers with the reason they entered the profession, which was to make the world a better place.

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  1. Clear reasons why the challenges facing our schools and our world require us to reimagine our approach to education.
  2. Varied and proven approaches to collaborating with educators to transform schools and education to promote positive systems change.
  3. Inspiration and action steps educators or education advocates can take to begin realizing their highest vision for impact in their specific context.



Steve Cochrane, Executive Director, Institute for Humane Education

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