Organization Identity: Who is Your Organization as a Friend?


If you’ve ever... lamented that everyone on your team talks about your work differently; written something about your program and thought, “I’m not sure this is the right tone.”; felt tension in how your mission and strategy fit together; questioned whether your work reflects your org’s values... then you’ve experienced the consequences of an unclear organizational identity. Led by an edu-focused comms agency, a superintendent, and an education research firm, this workshop unearths participants’ org identity and guides the development of a new, mission-aligned elevator pitch, in real time.

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  1. Participants will unearth their organizational identity, clarify their intended impact, and start building cohesive messaging about the work.
  2. Participants leave with a unique mission-aligned, audience-ready elevator pitch for their organizations, to be used/practiced in real time at SXSW.
  3. Participants understand that clarity about organizational identity and internal alignment drive compelling messaging and strong leadership.



Jessie Collins, Vice President, Matterlab

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