Marketing Hot Take: Let Your Students Drive


A conversation with an ad exec turned independent school CMO and a Brand Creative Director sharing the "why" and "how" behind the strategy of breaking with conventional marketing department models to build an internal mini-agency where our clients (and our partners) are the students. We all know the value of customer engagement—so why tell students what they should be passionate about and interested in when they can tell you? As the team charged with owning the strategy of how our brand connects to ALL audiences, why would we tell our students' story when they can tell it better?

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  1. Re-think team structure and culture to support collaborative models that not only generate omni channel content, but create a culture of sharing.
  2. Launch. Test. Refine. Take risks! Share the passwords (gasp!) Make space for student ideas and input so they are a part of their school's storymaking.
  3. Take stock of your brand assets and retire what's not serving you. Build brand equity where there's energy. Launch something new.



Lisa Trask, Cmo, Beaver Country Day School

Meta Information:

  • Tags: market trends, creativity
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Conversation
  • Track: Work Reimagined
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Field Experience

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