Microcredential Ambition of a High Impact Business School


Uncover the transformative potential of micro-credentials within public research universities in the context of a dynamically shifting educational landscape. We'll delve into how micro-credentials can revitalize traditional academic offerings at stages like pre-college, undergraduate, master's prep, master's, and professional education, ensuring relevancy amidst burgeoning educational alternatives. Additionally, we'll highlight the unique value micro-credentials can bring to students' employment outcomes, forging a stronger bridge between higher education and career readiness.

Additional Supporting Materials


  1. Insight into the intersection of micro-credentials & traditional education, fostering individualized academic pathways and enhancing employability.
  2. Strategies to leverage micro-credentials to reinforce university relevance & meet the evolving needs of the educational ecosystem.
  3. Ways to measure the impact & success of micro-credentials, ensuring their ongoing relevance & effectiveness.



Stephen Walls, Assistant Dean For Instructional Innovation, The University of Texas at Austin

Meta Information:

  • Tags: credentials, curriculum design
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Teaching & Learning
  • Session Focus Area Higher Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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