Equity in Education: Scaling Proven Programs


State University of New York Chancellor John B. King, Jr. leads a panel on closing the stark achievement gap in graduation rates for black and brown students. Replicating two evidence-based programs pioneered at the City University of New York is vital: Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) and Accelerate, Complete, and Engage (ACE). How can we ensure students everywhere have access to the transformative power of ASAP and ACE? Panelists will explore challenges and opportunities to scaling nationally, including partnerships with government, educational institutions, and philanthropy.

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  1. Learn about evidence-based programs ASAP and ACE which have dramatically improved graduation rates for historically underserved populations.
  2. Explore how cross-sector partnerships including government, educational institutions, and philanthropy can replicate evidence-based models.
  3. Discover strategies to engage government resources to scale programs nationwide.



Eleanor Peters, Program Officer, Young Adults, Robin Hood Foundation

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