Higher Education's Role in the Racial Wealth Gap


College is touted as a pathway to prosperity–but is it really? Despite efforts to widen college doors, disparities persist, with white families holding more education and wealth than Latino or Black families. Higher education perpetuates inequality, serving as a superhighway to prosperity for the privileged. As a collective impact network, the Higher Ed Equity Network is focused on college's role as a launching pad for economic mobility. Panelists will present current data on the racial wealth gap, college access and completion, and share actions for leaders in a post-affirmative action era.

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  1. Higher education institutions and systems can and should play a role in addressing the racial wealth gap
  2. Eliminating disparities in college graduation and the return on a college degree would directly impact the racial wealth gap
  3. Minimizing and/or eliminating student debt would increase return on a college degree and decrease the racial wealth gap



Sana Meghani, Associate Partner, Catalyst:Ed

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