Certifying Educators' Skills Globally with Micro-credentials


Participants will explore micro-credentials as a tool to promote technology-enhanced teaching and learning in various countries and contexts. We will introduce our platform of free- and low-cost, competency-based educator micro-credentials; explore how they can meet a range of adult learner needs; and share how to use them to recognize and incentivize quality pedagogy in any environment. Workshop attendees will explore the library of existing micro-credentials, identify those that are most relevant to their context, and strategize how to leverage them within their learning communities.

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  1. Identify the difference between types of digital credentials and the features and benefits of Open Badges and competency-based micro-credentials
  2. Understand best practices and learner-centered equity factors to implement and incentivize micro-credentials for educator professional development
  3. Explore how micro-credentials can be developed or trans-adapted in response to local contexts and needs



April Williamson, Global Project Director, Digital Promise

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