SXSW 2024

The Culture-War Trap: Brands for Social Good


With fundamental freedoms of people across the planet under increasing threat, major brands are weighing whether to pull back or have a point-of-view on key issues like reproductive freedom, racial justice, LGBTQ+ equality, climate justice, and more—and often facing backlash no matter what they do. This conversation will highlight how business can be a force for good, what is needed for brands to foster equality from the inside-out, and the implications for brands that choose to put purpose over profit in key moments.

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  1. How brands can cultivate authentic advocacy campaigns with a holistic approaching marrying the private, public and nonprofit sectors
  2. Resources for brands to create safe, welcoming, and inclusive spaces for customers, employees, and communities
  3. How to prepare for backlash from internal and external stakeholders


  • Hilary Lloyd, Vice President of Marketing and Activism for The Body Shop North America, The Body Shop
  • Calla Devlin Rongerude, Managing Director, Open to All
  • Alicia Chin, Director of Sustainability and Social Impact, VF Corporation
  • Corey Smith, Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion at LVMH North America, LVMH


Lauren Higgins, Us Communications Manager, The Body Shop

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Advertising & Brand Experience
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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