Universal Signals of Quality for HS Real-World Learning


High School academic transcripts and LERs don’t give employers and admission officers the full picture of who students are and what they know. If learning happens everywhere, how can we make sure students get credit for that learning? Durable skills and real-world experiences are rarely communicated well in applications and through resumes. Is there a better way? These panelists say yes, but it will take a village of educators, business leaders, and policy makers–to create a nationally recognized system for signaling quality and acquisition of skills that were once indicated only by a degree.

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  1. Learn how you can help your student communicate their durable skills and experiences earned in and out of your classroom.
  2. See how you can help create a nationally recognized system for signaling quality and acquisition of skills that were once indicated only by a degree.
  3. Get ideas on how you can transform academic transcripts/LERs so employers & admission officers know who your students are & what they know.



Judy Goldstein, Senior Vice President Of Pr, Communications & Planning, American Student Assistance (ASA)

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