Each & Every Newborn: The Paradigm Shift for Equity


Offering nurse home visits to all families with newborns instead of targeted services to specific populations is a major paradigm shift. This session will include a conversation with Dr. Sherika Hill, CEO of Family Connects International. Dr. Hill will make the case that all newborns deserve a warm and secure connection to family and community from the start and these essential connections are often strongest when care for a family’s social, emotional, and physical health are in place. She will explain why offering services to everyone removes the stigma of accepting needed support.

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  1. The first few weeks with a baby can be an overwhelming time for every family and every family can benefit a little extra support.
  2. Offering support to all families can help drive equitable outcomes for each and every family.
  3. Addressing health concerns and access to support early helps to reduce later disparity gaps, especially for historically marginalized subpopulations



Kimberly Friedman, Managing Director, External Relations, Family Connects International

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