Brave (Work) Spaces: Leveraging Your Creative Agency


Bravery isn’t just for superheroes. We are brave when we work with authenticity and purpose while also creating conditions that allow others to show up fully.
In this highly interactive workshop, participants will engage in playful and practical exercises that will equip them to define and foster brave work spaces. By taking time to articulate our own creative agency and how we can best represent ourselves and our values in our work, participants will leave this session with clear next steps and curated and customizable resources to support their practice and collaborative efforts.

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  1. You will examine the concept of “brave space” from a personal and professional lens, reflecting on what it means to show up bravely in your work.
  2. You will create personal design tenets to guide how you show up in your work and collaboration with others.
  3. You will engage with others to practice reflective and communication strategies necessary for cultivating brave spaces as an individual and leader.



Mallory Morris, Associate Director Learning Design, Digital Promise

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