Faculty Focus on Wellbeing to Get & Keep Students in College


A main reason high school students list for not going to college is the impact it will have on their mental health. The number one reason students leave college is mental health. Given this reality and the strain on mental health resources following the pandemic, the key to helping to recruit and retain students may come from more proactively equipping faculty with tools to
bring wellbeing support "in-course" rather than relying on external units to provide those services. Let’s hear from R1 faculty about how and why they prioritize student wellbeing beyond all other factors.

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  1. Students’ increasing struggles with mental health require faculty to develop strategies that support both learning and well-being.
  2. Faculty can intentionally implement strategies to support student mental health without reducing the rigor of the learning they expect from students.
  3. Supporting student wellbeing isn’t complex; it involves elements such as social connection, mindfulness, and connecting to life purpose.



Althea Woodruff, Well-Being In Learning Environments Coordinator, The University of Texas at Austin

Meta Information:

  • Tags: instruction, mental health
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Teaching & Learning
  • Session Focus Area Higher Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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