Advancing Access & Quality Through Home-Based Child Care


In NYC, and nationwide, families with young children need help. They are scrambling to find affordable child care that meets their diverse needs, ranging from overnight shifts to culturally-aligned care. This panel highlights an innovative public/private partnership of the NYC Mayor’s Office, Robin Hood Foundation, and All Our Kin, as they prioritize responsive care. In particular, we will focus on how home-based daycare is uniquely attuned to today’s families: providing child care that’s on their block, is in an intimate setting, speaks their language, and supports nonstandard work schedules.

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  1. Home-based daycare is a nimble response to the child care crisis. Often overlooked, it is one of the most common forms of care in NYC and nationwide.
  2. This is a moment of innovation in NYC. The City, and our public/private partnership, is advancing policy wins that ensure equitable child care access.
  3. Child care is the necessary backbone for society. By creating new home-based programs, we are increasing economic opportunities for working families.



Darrah Sipe, Technical Assistance Advisor, All Our Kin

Meta Information:

  • Tags: partnerships, sustainability
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Community Initiatives
  • Session Focus Area Early Learning
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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