SXSW 2024

You Need A Stump Speech: Building Your Leadership Narrative


As a speechwriter, I've helped countless politicians develop a stump speech: a concise, compelling story that explains why they are the right leader for the moment. But non-politicians can often benefit from going through the same process. Too many leaders in the non-profit and corporate spaces spend a lot of time thinking about the story of their brand or organization, only to leave themselves out of that story. In this session, I'll explain why every leader should have a leadership narrative and use tools from the world of political communications to help attendees develop their own.

Additional Supporting Materials


  1. How can telling your own leadership story make the story you tell about your work more engaging and effective?
  2. What are some specific storytelling techniques, drawn from the world of political communications, to help you build your own leadership narrative?
  3. How can you build confidence in how you talk about your own leadership journey and how you convince audiences you're the right leader for the moment?



Andy Barr, President, STET Communications

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Startups
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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